
Feel Good in Your Body

You meet a woman who says she’s older than you, but she’s glowing with radiant, youthful energy, and you wonder…”what’s her secret?”

Feel Good in Your Body

You meet a woman who says she’s older than you, but she’s glowing with radiant, youthful energy, and you wonder…”what’s her secret?”

It’s time to be that woman.

Are you wondering?

``Why is my metabolism so slow?`` You're doing everything you used to do -- working out, eating healthier -- but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

``Why am I so tired?`` You struggle to have enough energy to make it through your workday AND your work outs.

``What is going on with my hormones? Is it estrogen dominance? My thyroid?`` The doctors don't seem to have the answers beyond a pill.

``Why can't I control my emotions?`` Because you're tired of dealing with anxiety and feeling stressed all the time.

``What is going on with these cravings?`` You want to eat healthy but it's hard to control when you feel hungry all the time.

No, this isn’t just a part of getting older.

What you need…

A simple plan to get results that doesn't take a lot of time or feel overwhelming, because you don't need more stress in your already busy life.

More energy so you don't have to rely on coffee or energy drinks just to feel normal.

To understand what you are doing that may be causing a slow metabolism and how to fix it so you can start fitting into your clothes again.

To get to the root cause of your hormone imbalance instead of patching them up with a pill so you don't dread that time of the month (and get through menopause with grace when the time comes).

To know how to get all of the essential nutrients you need for glowing skin, healthy hair and strong nails.

To get those cravings under control so you feel satisfied WITHOUT eating the whole bag of chips or cookies.

Thriving Client – Jen A.

“My biggest struggles were low energy levels, acne and weight management. I was frustrated because I eat pretty healthy and workout regularly. I didn’t understand what was happening and I was relying on energy drinks to get me going.

Now my energy levels are off the charts (I stopped using energy drinks and I don’t need coffee), my skin is beautiful and my acne dissapeared, and I finally have control on my weight. Huge bonus that I look awesome in my bike spandex shorts – which I think is a hard thing to do!”

Hi, I’m Nicole

Certified Nutritionist, Herbalist, Plant-based Chef and world traveler.

I’ve taken the diet pills. I’ve cut out carbs. I’ve run a half marathon just to keep weight off and I have dealt with some serious hormonal issues.

Gaining weight from birth control? Check.

Excruciating pain and feeling cray-cray right before my cycle? Check.

Struggling to sleep through the night? Check.

Having the doctors tell me nothing was wrong or that I was normal and having to figure it all out on my own? Check.

I remember the days of feeling like my metabolism was just slow, and not understanding the first thing about how to fix my hormonal issues.

But just like you…I knew there was a better way.

So I researched. I experimented. And I got formal education in nutrition, herbs and lab assessments so I could finally understand how to get to the root cause of what was going on, and create a healthy lifestyle…without dieting.

These days…I don’t turn to wine and cheese to deal with my stress. I eat until I’m full and satisfied. I never feel deprived and I can still have indulgences and maintain a healthy weight. I’ve found workouts I love and don’t feel the need to “run off my calories.” My cycles aren’t painful and I feel in control of my mood.

Best of all, I don’t need coffee to have energy or focus (though occasionally I have it because I like the taste and I usually end up with superhuman energy).

More importantly, I’ve used all of my knowledge and experience to help amazing women from all over the country feel like their best self again. There’s truly no better feeling than the emails I wake up to telling me their weight is dropping off, their skin is clearing up and their cycles are no longer painful.

This is the way it should be — for me, for them…and for you.

Thriving Client – Meghan C.

“When I came to Nicole, I was struggling with losing weight in my stomach and thighs. I felt pretty insecure about it and angry at myself for not being able to lose the weight. As we worked together, my relationship with food became much more relaxed and I was able to work on balancing out my hormones so I wasn’t always carrying extra weight.

I learned that making small changes is not as hard as we build it up in our heads and Nicole gives you solid recommendations that you can weave into your life without really even noticing that you’re doing anything different.

I definitely recommend this coaching program to anyone who is looking to change their relationship with food, who is looking to level out their hormones and take steps towards overall living a healthy life. The knowledge that Nicole has in this space is unmatched, especially for women. Not only that but Nicole is super relatable and easy to talk to, so you don’t ever feel like there’s judgement. She just wants to help you find what works FOR YOU.” 

Inside the Program


Weekly coaching sessions (Zoom) that focus on step-by-step changes to make the biggest impact, in a way that helps you feel in control of your health, instead of at the mercy of the cheese gods

Metabolic Analysis

Blood panel, hormone analysis and food + meal audit.

Online Portal

On-demand videos, recipes and PDFs covering: Hormones, Mindset, Energy, Detoxification, Metabolism, Digestion

Just Imagine…

Putting on that old pair of jeans that hasn't fit in months (or years) and feeling confident as hell as you walk out the door.

Not spending soooo much money on the latest fad supplements and skincare because you are glowing from the inside out.

Being able to get more done at work and stress less because your head feels clearer and you're not struggling with energy.

Loving your body again because you feel good, look good, and your hormones no longer feel like a curse.

Being THAT woman who people ask ``what is your secret?``

Thriving Client – Tara B.

“Nicole is genuinely caring, supportive, encouraging and extremely knowledgeable. Throughout the program, I was able to understand how food and hormones interact with one another. I never knew hormones could play such a large role in weight gain and that I could have cycles that weren’t super painful! The guidebooks were extremely helpful and I always looked forward to our sessions that were a bright light during a difficult time.”


Book your free breakthrough session (via Zoom) to get some immediate recommendations and an individualized plan for you to finally get to the root cause of what’s going on with your hormones and metabolism.