
Superfood Tuesday – Spirulina

Superfood Tuesday – Spirulina

This Tuesday we are talking about…


Benefits of spirulina

So what the heck is spirulina you ask?

What it is:  Spirulina belongs to a group of superfoods known as chlorophylls.  In case you can’t remember your grade school science class, chlorophyll is to a plant what blood is to humans..it’s often referred to as the “life blood of plants”.  This particular type of chlorophyll is actually a blue-green algae that is rich in protein, antioxidants, B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid).  Holy crap that’s a lot of good stuff!

What it does:  Spirulina (as well as other chlorophyll-rich foods) are extremely detoxifying.  They release xenobiotics (toxins stored in fat)…and who wants to keep those hangin’ around?   It is also extremely alkalizing and rapidly mobilizes b-cells and t-cells…or in laymen’s terms… helps fight cancer and immune deficiencies.  Many studies have shown that it also decreases radiation toxicity (which unfortunately is all around us and built up inside of us).

How to use it:  Spirulina comes in powder form, but you can also get tablets or capsules.  Because it’s so detoxifying, if you’ve never had it, you should start with a very low dose and work your way up to the recommended dose on the bottle.  If you take too much initially, you could detoxify too fast, which may lead to nausea, headache, etc.  You can add the powder to smoothies, yogurt, dips, or just mix it with water and drink it down.  I personally don’t care for the taste of it so I like to hide it in smoothies with a lot of fruit or raw cocao powder.   Tablets and capsules may also be taken. 

In my experience:  I like to add this to my smoothies whenever possible.  Between this and other superfoods in my diet, I always find I have a lot of natural energy and I hardly ever need caffeine.  I also feel that my mental state is usually pretty centered…that’s of course due to an overall healthy lifestyle, but with all of the nutrients and benefits that spirulina offers, it’d be silly not to incorporate it.  Definitely a huge bang for your buck!

Where to get it:  I recommend the pure hawaiian brand shown above.  When it comes to supplements, quality matters A LOT.  You can get this at your local health food store (Sprouts, Whole Foods, Jimbo’s) or you can buy it online here:

Anyone else used spirulina?  How did it make you feel? Any good recipes for incorporating it?

*Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional if you are sick.  

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